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Office of the Registrar: Pullman
Registrar website | registrar@wsu.edu | 509 335-5346 | Fax: 509 335-7823
Matthew Zimmerman, University Registrar
mzimmer@wsu.edu | 509 335-0899
Records & Registration
Tania Swanger, Associate Registrar
Debbie Hash, Supervisor
dhash@wsu.edu | 509 335-5680
Graduations, Academic Governance, Athletic Eligibility, & Catalog
Blaine Golden, Assistant Registrar
Scheduling, Residency, & Technology
Jill Freuden, Assistant Registrar, WSU Residency Officer, & Webmaster
847 716-3005
Student Verifications
703 742-7791
Washington Residency for tuition purposes. Information about Housing & Dining contracts.
Undergraduate & Professional
Jill Freuden, Assistant Registrar
residency@wsu.edu | 509 335-2522
Graduate School
Jenny Saligumba-Graham, Graduate School
gradschool@wsu.edu |
509 335-1446
Technology & RONet
RONet | Schedule of Classes
Enrollment IT
509 335-3819
Veterans & Military Affiliated (VMAS)
Holland Library, Room 120A
Pullman, WA 99164-1035
(access from the first floor of Terrill Library)
Penny Martinez
Manager of Veterans & Military Affiliated Students
509 335-1234
Our Mission
- Provide quality service to students, staff, and faculty.
- Effectively inform students of their rights and responsibilities related to administrative actions and policy.
- Provide easy access to information and assist students and faculty on administrative actions and policy.
- Execute policies and procedures in a compassionate and sensitive manner.
- Be a model within the university of exemplary service and duty.
- Provide the high quality of service in accordance with Washington State Ethics Law.