To avoid charges to your Student Account, you must drop all your classes, including waitlisted classes, before the first day of the term. In
myWSU (, go to My Student Center, select Enroll, select the term, select the drop
tab, and select the box next to each class. To complete your request click the Drop Selected Classes button, followed by the Finish
Dropping button. If you have any problems, contact the Registrar's Office at (360)-546-9565 or (360)-546-9553.
You will not be eligible for aid after you drop your classes. If you plan to attend the following term, contact the
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at
or call (360) 546-9559.
Please log in to your FutureCoug portal to cancel your admission application. The link will be at the bottom of the page.
Continuing students should not register for the upcoming term. If you have registered, to avoid charges to your
Student Account, you must drop all your classes, including waitlisted classes, before the first day of the term. In
myWSU (, go to My Student Center, select Enroll, select the term,
select the drop tab, and select the box next to each class. To complete your request click the Drop Selected Classes
button, followed by the Finish Dropping button. If you have any problems, contact the Registrar's Office at
(360)-546-9565 or (360)-546-9553.
Graduate Students need to contact the Graduate School at (509) 335-1446 or to cancel one's admission or registration.